Monday, June 6, 2011

The New Order!

Just revised the running order of 'Songs of God', to give it more shape and direction ..

It's now:

Psalm 67
The Song of Moses (Exodus 15)
Paradise Lost Book 1 (Milton): Satan assembles the Fallen Angels
David's Lament for the Death of Jonathan & Saul (2 Samuel 1)
Psalm 121
The Song of Deborah (Judges 5)
The Magnificat (Luke 1)
May Magnificat (GM Hopkins)
God's Grandeur (GM Hopkins)
A Meditation (St Columba)
Meditation XVII "No Man is an Iland" (John Donne)
Sonnet "Death Be Not Proud" (John Donne)
Trinity (St Patrick)
Heaven-Haven (GM Hopkins)
Psalm 23
Jerusalem (William Blake)

PS "Easter" by George Herbert will be added as & when Liz has composed the music for it ...
     Poems by Raleigh ("Give me my Scallop Shell of Quiet") and Sylvia Plath ("A Better
     Resurrection") will also be added by July ...

Watch this space!!


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