Friday, June 3, 2011

Every morning is a new song!

In more ways than one. This morning, as all mornings, is like no other! Also, I just 'nailed', i.e. finished learning by rote & prepped for performance, the Song of Moses, which celebrates the ruination of the Egyptian host when it tried to pursue the 'sojourners of Goshen' - the children of Israel -  across the Red Sea. You may remember that Pharaoh expelled the Israelites from Egypt because of the plagues visited on them by God, and afterwards regretted this, because there was no-one left to serve tea and mow the lawns! Hence the attempt to fetch them back.
This thrilling song is paired in 'Songs of God' with an excerpt from Paradise Lost, Book 1, in which there are two extended similes, referring to (a) the plague of locusts and (b) the destruction of Pharaoh's host in the Red Sea.
I'm now working on nailing down Psalm 67, which will be the new 'opener'.
Talking of 'nailing down', I aim to put my rendering of 'The Song of Deborah' on here as an audio file in the next couple of weeks. This will come with a 'not for the squeamish' health warning. (Sisera, captain of Jabin's host, is literally nailed to the ground - through his temple - with a tent peg, hammered in by Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite. And Sisera thought she was his friend! Yeah, right ...).

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